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Gamified Home Decluttering App and Service

When was the last time you went an entire day without spending any? This question kindled my interest in researching the Indian lifestyle of simple living for my thesis.

The project’s end product is a concept for an app & and service, Spaceout, that helps users declutter their homes and live simpler lives.


Users can record sentimental objects they no longer use to detach from the physical object by keeping the virtual memory. They can then schedule a doorstep pick-up to donate things they don’t need. Donations go to people in need and cloth recycling mills.


Product Design, Service Design, Brand Identity, User Research



Jan 2020 - Jun 2020


Individual, guided by Prof. Kumkum Nadig and Niret Alva

My Role

Research, Spaceout conceptualization, Brand Identity and App product design.


How might we help people reduce material goods accumulated in their homes?

1. Background

Benefits of Simple Living

Buddhist & Vedic philosophies of Simple Living suggest that having fewer material things reduces decision fatigue and gives you more time, money and energy for experiences that matter. In addition, it is better for the environment.

2. Research

15 Days of Decluttering with Friends and Family

2. Research

Interviews with Indian Minimalists
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2. Research

Why do People Have Too Many Things at Home?

Surveying 53 urban Indians from diverse backgrounds

90.6% Own things they don't use that often

Because discarding things is difficult emotionally.

52.8% Make impulse purchases while shopping

They feel they don't have the need to over consciously think before purchasing.

67.9% Feel they consume more than they need

As they find it challenging to make the most what they have.

62.3% buy more than what's on their shopping list

They are tempted to try new products when they browse the store.

3. Synthesis

Target User Personas
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3. Synthesis

User Journey Map & Pain Points
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4. Ideation

Ideation Sketches

5. Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping & Testing the App Idea
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“There are three couple of different features so I’m confused about what the app does”

“The app structure is confusing”

"How does the business work?"

“I like the concept, there are a lot of unwanted things I dump in a room in my house, and I would like to get rid of them.”

6. Output

Introducing Spaceout

Spaceout helps you tidy up by letting you save sentimental items on the app, so you can keep the memories without the clutter. You can also schedule pickups for things you don't need, making it easy to donate or recycle them for a good cause.

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App Onboarding
Returning User's Journey
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The homepage is populated with challenges, tasks, & rewards to motivate users to donate & to retain them.

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The object gallery is a virtual space to record objects of sentiment. By holding a virtual memory would help the users to detach & give away the physical objects.

Photo click.gif
Object Details.gif

Users can conveniently set up a donation pick-up for objects they want to give away. The screens below show the flow for a returning user with an address that is serviceable. On clicking select pick-up time, the system checks and displays slot availability based on pincode and kind of items.

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6. Output

Spaceout as a Service

6. Output

Spaceout as a Brand

7. Takeaway

Results & Learnings

The app prototype I created was received positively by the users I informally tested it. Many were frustrated with being stuck at home during the pandemic and wished for the App to be built so it would be easier to give things away. I realized I had not just a good design project but a useful, viable business idea. 

This project also marked my transition from graphic design to product design and I got to learn many new skills in the process.

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